Lophocampa atriceps Hampson


 Family: Erebidae

Subfamily: Arctiinae

Tribe: Arctiini

Subtribe: Phaegopterina

Host plants:

  • Boehmeria spp: incl. B. bullata, B. caudata, B. pavonni, and B. ulmifolia.(Urticaceae)
  • Phenax rugosus (Urticaceae)
  • Mireocarpa senecioides (Urticaceae)





Collection site: Various, Napo Province


Male (dorsal view)


Male (ventral view)

Photos & Determinations of adults: Suzanne Rab Green
Photos of immatures: CAPEA collections




Caterpillar common name:

"Motorola brochas"
"Motorola brochas negras"


Caterpillar behavior & description:

The larvae of this species feed in groups up to the third instar and move to separate leaves or plants as solitary feeders in later instars.


Rearing results and development time:



Host plants:



  • Boehmeria spp: incl. B. bullata, B. caudata, B. pavonni, and B. ulmifolia.(Urticaceae)
  • Phenax rugosus (Urticaceae)
  • Mireocarpa senecioides (Urticaceae)







Collection sites:

Caterpillars were collected inside primary forests, partially reforested pastures and next to roads along an altitudinal transect from 400m (Tena) to 3500m (Papallacta) in the vicinity of the Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies (YBS: S 00° 35.9' W 77° 53.4': 2100 m), 5km west of Cosanga, Napo province of eastern Ecuador.  


Voucher locations & numbers:

@ American Museum of Natural History : B1098, 23408, 25859, 25860, 26209, 38426
@ University of Nevada Reno (UNR): n.a.


Adult identification status:


Compared with type collection @BMNH, collections @ , MNHN
Specimens dissected by S. Rab Green:
Reared male # 26209 located @ , genitalia slide SRG #138


Original description of adult:

Hampson, G. F. 1901. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum 3: 113. London.


Type locality:

Colombia: Holotype originally designated from specimen presented by a C. H. Schill, esq., of Broome House, Didsbury, Lancashire. No detailed localities are attached to specimen.


Known distribution range: