Rearing results and development time |
Host plants |
Unknown |
Parasitoids |
Predators |
Observations and Comments |
Collected at MV light trap. The specimen shown bears the following label data: ECUADOR; Napo; Río Pucuno, 42 km SE Baeza on rd. to Loreto, S00º42'28", W77º35'53", 1045m, 21 Jan 2009, leg. J.S. Miller, D. Wagner & E. Tapia, MV light. The type locality for E. fasciata is Chiriquí, Panama. This species determination is based on comparison with Ecuadorian material identified by Gunnar Brehm (www.personal.uni-jena.de/~b6brgu2/). |
Voucher location |
Smithsonian Institution |