Rearing results and development time |
Yanayacu rearing voucher Nos. 1919-1921 (Feb 2005), 2656 (May 2005), 18390-18393 (Sept 2006), 30970 (May 2008), 36201 (Dec 2008). |
Host plants |
Turpinia sp. (Staphylaceae); Casearia sp. (Flacourtiaceae), unknown Flacourtiaceae, unknown Asteraceae, unknown Verbenaceae. |
Parasitoids |
Predators |
Observations and Comments |
Collected on Yanayacu road, on the trail to Isla de las Palmas, on Sendero Vinillos, and at Pumayacu. |
Voucher location |
Smithsonian Institution |