Rearing results and development time |
Voucher no. 35069 (July 2008). |
Host plants |
Miconia sp. (Melastomataceae). |
Parasitoids |
Predators |
Observations and Comments |
The specimen shown bears the following label data: ECUADOR: Napo; Galeras, Río Papanucu, 11.3 km SE Loreto-Coca Rd. on road to Communidad Pueblo Nuevo, 990 m, 2 Oct 2004, MV light, leg. J.S. Miller and E. Tapia. The type locality for Meragisa camiola Schaus (1937) is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Eastern Ecuadorian material almost certainly represents an undescribed species. |
Voucher location |
Smithsonian Institution |