Rearing results and development time |
Not reared; collected at light. |
Host plants |
Not known; probably Chusquea. |
Parasitoids |
Predators |
Observations and Comments |
This species is endemic to the western slope of the Ecuadorian Andes (see Miller, 2009; Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. No. 609). The specimen shown bears the following label data: ECUADOR: 35 km E Quito-Sto. Domingo Rd. on road to Chiriboga, 00º14.9'S, 78º48.8'W, 2010 m, 18 Mar 2006, cloud forest, MV light, leg. J.S. Miller & E. Tapia. |
Voucher location |
American Museum of Natural History |