Click on the Reference Number to view
voucher data for a species. Achlyodes bursirus heros Achlyodes thraso Anthoptus epictetus Astraptes alardus Astraptes fulgerator azul Black eyes rosy crown Dubiella fiscella belpa Entheus matho Entheus sp. Hyalothyrus nelea Milanion sp. Moby Dick hesperiid Molo mango Myscelus amystis Neoxeniades molien Nisoniades godma Pellicia arina Perichares philetes Phanus sp. Pythoniades jovianus amaryllis Quadrus cerialis Saliana sp. Saliana sp.2 Staphylus sp. Striated blackeyed rosysmile Talides sp. complex Telemiades antiope Telemiades sp. Turesis sp. Urbanus nr pronus Urbanus belli
Reference Number
Species Name (or common name if
species has not yet been determined by